Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Paying Full Price

Okay, my root canal is almost history. Tomorrow I get a permanent plug installed in the hole in my crown. The root canal was painless. I wish he did my dental work instead of my dentist. I almost went to sleep. Since I had two crowns already this year, my insurance only paid 1/2 the price of the root canal. Now tomorrow, I pay full price to get the plug. I am glad the next crown can wait to January.

I got the permanent filling for the root canal this morning. $118 dollars for 9 minutes work! I got a call from my union representative last night asking me why I did not bid in the annual bid for crews and days off in 2008. I got the dates mixed up and thought it was in two weeks. Now, instead of working in the hangar on semi clean aircraft with weekends off, I will get to work on the planes that sit all night at the terminal gates out in the weather. I'm too old for that. Oh yeah, my days off will be in the middle of the week. But that could all change between now and then and I can get awarded another bid that will get me back in the hangar on another crew or even on my old crew. I can pray for it anyway! On the bright side, it will open the door up to unlimited overtime. If I want it.

I forgot about the annual bid because I was worried about taking a 2nd Fit for Duty test, as I was told Tuesday morning I did not score well enough on the first one. Southwest Airlines says I didn't score well enough on the first one. If I don't do better on this test, I will have to take a transfer to another department and not be a mechanic. Most likely with a huge cut in pay. I have been an aircraft mechanic for 29 years. I don't know if I would like a transfer out of maintenance. My daughter, Rebecca, says take my retirement money and run. So I tested the job market waters by dropping my resume off at a company just 10 minutes from work. Just 18 hours after dropping off the resume, I got a call for an interview. I am not sure which direction to go. So I have to keep an open mind.

I did get out yesterday afternoon for a couple of hours and get some seat time on my Big Red Beast, the 6520. I had some stacked, unsplit firewood that rotted. So I finally decided to get rid of the bad wood and dumped it on my burn pile. I wanted to do more work out there, but the ground is still too wet from the other day's rain. Stop back later to see what is going on with Brandi, Booger, and the Big Red Beast. Also, check out the pics I've put up. And please, don't mention the Arizona Diamondbacks to me. Sadness prevails.

hugs, Brandi

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