Monday, July 7, 2008

Working my fingers to the bone

This last Tuesday at work I really tore and bruised my body up. I had to install an additional grounding wire to the water drain mast in the back of the aircraft. The drain is for the aft lavatory sink. It is heated to keep it from icing up and having chunks of ice drop off the airplane. The mast is just about directly under the aft lavatory. On our older airplanes, it was easy to get to this location. But this was on one of our new airplanes, a Boeing 737-700. It's lavatories are vacuum operated and have no water tank under the toilet seat. But it has a huge tank in the aft baggage compartment right where I needed to crawl. So with the toilet tank and the huge drinking water tank back there, I had to crawl and twist my body between them to reach the drain mast. Then crawl back in on your side as you have to bend your body as you crawl back, while using one arm to pull yourself up with the passenger floor support beams. Once you reach the mast, you either work while laying on your side with one arm, or on your belly using two arms. This is all done with fresh air from an air hose blowing on you as it can become claustrophobic without it. I tend to get claustrophobic rather easily, so I had a co worker in the baggage compartment make sure no one disconnected my air hose. He also handed me tools that I needed. No matter how many tools you crawl in with, you always need more! I had some cuts and small bruises on my forearms, but the large black and purple bruises on my hip and thigh followed the next day. This and getting less than 7 hours sleep each day really made me cranky all week. But the rest of the work week was easy and I sailed through it to the weekend.

The weekend started off with a shortage of sleep, as I took a two hour nap on Friday and then got ready to take Mom to Angel's to get a pedicure and her hair washed and styled. After we took Mom back to the nursing home, Christina and I went to Carter's Country to order a Ruger LCP for myself. LCP stands for Lightweight Compact Pistol. It is small enough to wear in a garter holster on my thigh. This purchase will be a welcome relief when I don't want to carry my large holster bag and cannot find anything cool enough to wear a holster concealed. Now I can wear cool skirts and still be able to defend myself or loved ones. Friday night found me tired and not able to stay up long. So I went to bed early and really slept well. Which was good as Saturday night, Christina and I went out on the town. We really were party poopers as we ate Mexican food and then had only a couple of drinks at a local dance hall/saloon before calling it a night. But it was fun to get dressed up for the evening and I really enjoyed Christina's company.

Today it was back to visit Mom and Dad. Their bird and squirrel feeder's were getting low on bird seed and corn, so we refilled both feeders. I was really surprised to see a squirrel lifting the corn feeder lid not long after we refilled them. Squirrels can be smart when it comes to getting corn!

Today I got to use the Mahindra's 511 Backhoe for another dreary job. Luke had Milo, his cat of eleven years, put to sleep. Milo has been losing some weight since Buttons arrived and the today when I woke up, I found her laying on her side. Cats don't do that.

So I dug another hole near the Cedar tree where Sneaky and Rascal are buried. Luke had just got to Willis Animal Clinic before they closed to have Milo put to sleep. Luke and I were all sad as I filled the hole with the hard dry dirt. We are beginning to think Buttons brought some virus into this house. I also think Phoebe and Buttons are immune to it, but it took down Sneaky and Milo. So I will be taking Buttons and Phoebe to the vet in Conroe that looks after exotic pets. Yes, ferrets are considered exotic pets. But not to me. Lions, Tigers, and Bears are exotic to me! Stop back later to find out about how our front bathroom was turned into a swimming pool. Also, I have loaded a few new photos. You can view them here.
hugs, Brandi

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